Please submit the following die specifications in PDF format
· Provide Sheet Layout: Indicate gripper edge location to determine print run direction and if layout is finished product or die view.
· Nicking Points: Indicate on drawing any nicking points desired. Standard nick is .035 inches.
· Type of Line: Indicate if lines are cutting, scoring or perforating.
· Machine Model Type: Indicate the machine model in order to calculate the proper distortion factor.
· Material: Thickness of material being finished.
· Requested Delivery Date
Benefits of purchasing directly through Print Craft Supply:
· PCS can check the layouts to ensure the layout will run as fast and effectively as possible.
· PCS can monitor the standards used in manufacturing to ensure every die runs perfectly through direct customer feedback.
· PCS can recommend the best quality available to our customers by offering the latest technology that has emerged over the last ten years.
· Competition will be closely monitored and we will be able to provide a better die at a lower price.
· Adhesive can be applied to the die prior to delivery.