RSP direct fit dies are for direct fastening on to the new RSP base plate 2.0. Direct fit dies provide you with the highest level of precision through register adjustment in every direction up to 1.5 mm. Ideal for demanding jobs with large formats.
· Customer name, address and shipping instructions.
· Provide Sheet Layout: Indicate gripper edge location to determine print run direction and if layout is finished product or die view.
· Preferred file types are dxf, dwg, eps, ai and pdf. The eps, ai and pdf can only be used if they are made with center line geometry.
· Type of Line: Indicate if lines are cutting, scoring or perforating. A file that is labeled and has separate palettes is best. If perforation, what perf specification is required. Note: The smallest etched tie size is .037” for perforating up to 17 tpi.
· Machine Model Type: Indicate the machine model in order to calculate the proper distortion factor. Also, will it be running on a printing or coating unit and is it a K Bar or U Bar?
· Material: Thickness and size of material being finished and how the die file fits on this size. The preferred method is to have the full paper size drawn on the die file.
· Requested Delivery Date
Benefits of purchasing directly through Print Craft Supply:
· PCS can check the layouts to ensure the layout will run as fast and effectively as possible.
· PCS can monitor the standards used in manufacturing to ensure every die runs perfectly through direct customer feedback.
· PCS can recommend the best quality available to our customers by offering the latest technology that has emerged over the last ten years.
· Competition will be closely monitored and we will be able to provide a better die at a lower price.