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Strip Clip

Strip Clip is a flat bed stripping system which controls the movement of the waste until the waste falls down from the Clip, so you can reduce stops in your autoplaten!


SKU: Description Pieces Per Box
EDL10 Maxi Claw Insertion Tool 1
SCL18 Maxi Strip Clip 10
SFL30 Maxi Strip Fork 10
L210 Measuring Tool 1
L211 Mini Measuring Tool 1
SCM12 Mini Strip Clip 50
SFM32 Mini Strip Fork 50
PR10 Pick Rod 50
RRL0-40 Register Rod 40 10
SF10 Single Claw Stripping Fork 50
SF11 Single Claw Stripping Fork (w/o barb) 50
SPC1 Spring Clip 50
SC11 Strip Clip (Red) 50
SC10 Strip Clip (White) 50
SR10 Stripping Rod 1
SF30 Three Claw Stripping Fork 50
SF31 Three Claw Stripping Fork (w/o barb) 50