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This innovative wash-up blade system dramatically improves wash-up performance and reduces wash-up times and solvent consumption by up to 50%. The custom-designed aluminum clamp attaches to your existing wash-up tray and uses TruPoint DeltaFlex plastic wash-up blade.
DeltaFlex is constructed from a durable, rigid material that enables it to achieve and maintain a fine contact point with the roller. It is this fine contact point that results in more efficient wiping and wash-ups that can be completed in half the time. In addition, DeltaFlex blades have superior chemical resistance to harsh washes and are compatible with all ink types including UV.






SKU: Press Model Product
QWCD102SK Heidelberg CD 102 Starter Kit
QWSM102SK Heidelberg SM 102 Starter Kit
QWSM74-1SK Heidelberg SM 74 Starter Kit
QWXL105SK Heidelberg XL 105 Starter Kit
QWKBA105SK KBA 105 Starter Kit
QWKL28SK Komori L28 Starter Kit
QWKLS40-2SK Komori LS 40 Starter Kit
QWMITSUBISHI3F Mitsubishi 3F Starter Kit
QWMITSUBISHI5F Mitsubishi 5F Starter Kit
QWMITSUDIA3000 Mitsubishi Diamond 3000 Starter Kit